The Xihu Militia
The Militia Department of Shenzhen Xihu Corporation Limited. (hereinafter referred to as the "Xihu Militia") was established in 2011. Following the doctrine of “ providing service at peacetime , giving aids at emergency and being embattled at wartime ”, Xihu Militia is dedicate to continuous improvement in organization structure and leadership capability. After transformation of state-owned enterprise to private one, the previous state-owned militia organization was dispatched into the private-owned enterprise, which has completed an unified network-based militia commanding and management information system.
7 specialized cadres have been assigned to Xihu Militia, with 1 supervisor, 3 officers and 3 team captains. Under the organizational structure include a transportation company (50 militia members),a special vehicle maintenance platoon (20 militia members), and a special equipment maintenance platoon (16 militia members). To optimize the militia’s function, one meeting room is for exclusive use of Xihu Militia and the independent working space is prepared for specialized cadres and fundamental militia workers. In addition, There are warehouse for storing materials, equipment and basic personal military equipment. The CPC members account for more than 30% of all members of Xihu Militia.
National defence ranks at top priority to provide combat-credible military forces needed to deter war and protect the security of our nation, people and achievement of our great reforms. The fundamental civil military forces is joining the responsibility to strengthen our national defence power as well as the essential foundation to stabilize CPC’s central governance. In close response to contemporary development trend and current status of world economy, Xihu Militia has participated in many grand events of Shenzhen, to provide assistance to Shenzhen’s civil authorities for disasters, catastrophes, infrastructure protection, transportation service. Xihu militia is dedicated to contributing the development of Shenzhen’s economic development and social stability.

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