

Every Year Is a Better Self | October November Employee Birthday Party in Central and South West Lake


Summary:Every inch of ceremony brings every inch of joy.

The autumn wind is blowing gently
Falling leaves meet the wind
There are good things on earth



The autumn wind swept away the scorching heat
Dissipated with the heat
October to November employee birthday party of West Lake Zhongnan Group
Arrive as promised
An elaborately arranged conference room
A dazzling array of snacks and beverages
Rich gifts
After a busy job
Bring warmth





Speech by the Chairman
Before the formal start of the birthday party
Ms. Li Meilian, Chairman of the Group
Come to the scene in the midst of your busy schedule
Greetings to the birthday stars
Sincere greetings and happy birthday wishes
To everyone's hard work in the past
West Lake Group has developed so far
Without the company of everyone present
Believe in the future
Everyone courageously moves forward and works together
Jointly Compose a New Chapter of the Achievements of the West Lake



Birthday wishes
Life needs a sense of ritual
Work requires a sense of belonging
Amid all the laughter and laughter
The curtain of the birthday party opened
Group Safety Director Du Lianbao represents the Group
Give birthday gifts and cards to each birthday star


When candles replace all lights
When Music Replaces Speech
Silence is better than sound at this moment
On this memorable day
Birthday Celebrities Sing Birthday Anthem Collectively
Making a wish, cutting a cake
What a meaningful thing it is
Everyone is eating the cake
With a happy smile on his face
The entire birthday party scene became particularly warm
At the same time, it also adds to the corporate culture of the group
A bold and colorful stroke





Moisturizing and Silent
See the truth in small details
Little birthday party
Let the longevity stars feel that the group treats them
A caring heart
Mr. Du delivered a speech as a representative of Longevity Star
"Thank the Group for its sincere care for its employees,
Let's gain from our busy work
A relaxed and pleasant experience,
Make birthdays lively and meaningful.
Thank the staff present for their meticulous arrangement,
Let's spend a
Happy birthday! "



happy time


How can a birthday party be without games?
Longevity stars actively participate in the game of radish squatting
It's like entering an infinite cycle of radish squatting
Can't stop at all
The scene was filled with laughter



Good wishes


Happy times are always short

But memories can record happiness

May the birthday stars have fun and hope

Live up to the love in your heart

In the future, let's strive together

Create a beautiful West Lake together

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